Subject: In regards to file number S7-08-20 No!
From: Jonathan Wyatt

Jul. 15, 2020

As if you couldn't stack the deck anymore against the individual American investor the proposed rule changes in the subject file number would reduce any investing power or level ground the individual investor would have. 

The “justification” for the rule change is highly questionable.
When is less transparency and less data ever a good thing for the small investor?
Some investors may want to avoid over-owned stocks, believing they have a high level of risk. This rule change greatly reduces individual investors ability to reduce their risk.
In the event of a significant correction the number of reporting managers would be diminished even further. The S&P suffered a 56.4% decline during the 2007-2009 financial crisis. A similar event using the most recent quarter as an example, would have reduced the number of funds by another 31% at a time when such data is needed even more.

Please vote no on this. 
Jonathan Wyatt