Subject: Proposed changes - S7-08-20
From: Brett Mayo

Jul. 14, 2020


Dear SEC, 

As a small 'know-nothing' investor, I find the proposed rule change vexing. 

I do not claim to know the exact correct dollar-figure that should require disclosure from investment funds. But, a jump from $100 million in assets under management, to $3.5 billion in assets under management, seems extreme. I personally feel like the $100 million threshold is around the correct figure. Additionally, I do not think it is unduly burdensome to require someone (or some firm) managing $100 million, to share with the public, information on their actions. 

Overall, I feel like this rule change would mean less publicly available information. And subsequently, I think this change would be bad for investors of lesser means, and bad for the public in general. 

As an aside, I do thank you for all that your organization does to keep the financial world as honest as you are able. 


Brett Mayo 

Director, Inventory Control & Engineering 
The Journeys Group 
Lebanon Distribution Center