Subject: S7-08-20
From: Nathan Winklepleck

Jul. 14, 2020


Please do not make this change. SEC filings are extremely valuable for the “average Joe” investor who is finding new investment ideas.

Nathan Winklepleck​ , CFA® | Research Analyst & Investment Advisor Donaldson Capital Management 812.259.9213 20 NW First Street, Fifth Floor | Evansville , IN 47708 Donaldson Capital Management LLC (DCM) utilizes e-mail to better communicate with its clients. This is a confidential and proprietary business communication that is intended solely for the use of the designated recipient(s). DCM cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any e-mail transmission; therefore, information of a sensitive or confidential nature should not be sent. If your intent is to give Donaldson Capital Management LLC time-sensitive instructions regarding your account(s), please telephone us directly. Any other instructions are subject to a reply confirming instructions were received, understood, and will be acted upon. If this communication was received in error, please contact the sender and delete this communication immediately. If you prefer not to receive any additional e-mail communication, please send an e-mail to (redacted) with the word “REMOVE” in the subject line.