Subject: File No. S7-08-15
From: Caroline Nealon

July 31, 2015

As an individual investor, I object to the proposal that requires me to take specific action to continue to receive printed financial statements. I use the internet all the time, like everyone else, but when it matters, I need it on paper. I don't want to be searching around for my password and I don't want to have to print things out myself. Financial documents should be available in print. If an individual would like to move to email only, then they should have to do that consciously and deliberately. The SEC should not allow companies to leave people in the lurch, wondering where there statements are. Many people will not even know to opt-in.
Record retention is especially critical with financial documents. My computer crashed in 2012 and I had to rebuild all my info - and I was so thankful to have mailed copies in my files.
The financial companies are currently able to decide how long they make records available to me without charging me a fee. If I have a mailed copy, then it is up to me to decide how long to retain it. Absolutely ridiculous
Please reconsider this plan.
