From: Luann Waddell
Sent: January 13, 2016
Subject: File No. S7-08-15

As an investor I am deeply concerned about the security of the internet since I have been involved with both the breaches of USPS and OPM.  As a retired letter carrier I know the validity of the “sanctity of the mail”.  I am 100% against the proposed rule that I must opt IN to continue to receive my investment statements via the USPS.  I have seen the flow chart and the new proposed way would not only be confusing with the continuous action required on my part to continue to receive printed paper copies of my investments but it is extremely inconvenient.  Ever heard of the expression “shooting yourself in the foot”?  I believe this applies to the direction this proposal is taking, pertaining to the existence of the USPS in the future.  That is the same USPS that is the most trusted government agency among this countries citizens and the same USPS that is the ONLY government agency that is mentioned in the Constitution of the United States.
I urge you to NOT support the proposed changes that would make the default method “paperless”.
Luann Waddell

Mesa, Az