Subject: File No. S7-08-15
From: Yana F Miller-Farney

January 10, 2016

I am commenting on the proposed rule File No. S7-08-15 because I prefer to receive investment statements through the mail. It's simple to open an envelope and read the contents. If I have questions, notes are added beside the entry to discuss with my financial advisor. The online process appears complicated and definitely NOT user friendly. In light of all the shenanigans of financial entities in the past ten to twelve years, they could hide important info behind the numerous screens one would be required to traverse. No sir, this is not a good rule for investors don't force me to go through a maze to access my account information. I would love for you to put more restrictive guidelines on this industry to protect investors. Make the CEO/COO more accountable for their actions. If I don't make money they should not receive bonuses or phenomenal salaries.