Subject: File No. S7-08-15

January 9, 2016

There is nothing wrong with receiving important information through the mail. It definitely is more secure than the Internet these days with all the hacking and information theft that's going on. Understand that people are very vulnerable online because not everyone has been to computer class (we as consumers do not know the precautions to take before and after using the World Wide Web), not everyone has internet access and during power outages and times of hardship email is not a person's priority. So much email gets Dumped and lost in the shuffle of much more email that important documents and information should be communicated through paper. It is very assuring to have certain vital information in writing and where a person can store it to their liking at home or in their office, not in cyberspace somewhere waiting to be captured by scammers (or on some "cloud"). What's wrong with keeping the USPS alive and running and creating that warm feeling of security to the masses they serve????
Thank you for your consideration. I have mutual funds and prefer the information be delivered to me in a nice sealed envelope like it always has been and should stay that way.
-Johanna Sanchez, a very proud USPS Mail Carrier.