Subject: File No. S7-08-15
From: Lori J. Theobald

August 7, 2015

Why are you attempting to take away paper options and shift the burden to the consumer? 
Do you realize that not every person has a computer at their home or has access to a computer?
Do you realize that not every person wants to be connected 24/7 to a computer device?
Do you realize that not every person wants electronic delivery to be the new standard?
Do you realize that not every person wants to view confidential documents on a computer (e.g. IRA statements; stock statements; etc.)?
Do you realize that 41 percent of Americans over 65 years of age do not use the Internet, yet, according to the Investment Company Fact Book, 34 percent of this population owns mutual funds?

I support consumer choice and the continued use of paper!!!


Lori J Theobald
Chillicothe, OH