Subject: File No. S7-08-09
From: Edward F Ronan, III
Affiliation: Self Employed Electrical and Carpentry Journeyman

May 9, 2009

To whom it may concern @ SEC

Please re-instate the up-tic rule and start enforcing the naked shorting rule. Its the new SEC's time to fix what the previous administration under Chris Cox did to unlevel the playing field. This market is greedy and filled with corruption and the little guy hasn't got a chance. When the SEC dropped the up-tic it had a big part in almost destroying the US banking system. Jim Cramer has already said he would help put light on the bad actors in the market, you cannot always depend on SEC lawyers or politicians to fix anything. They just aren't smart enough. Academics , most of them have never traded profesionaly and haven't got a clue. I have written before that money given to the banks to save them has just been handed to hedge funds and institutional trader who working together have destroyed Bear Stearns, Lehman Bros. , Washington Mutual through bear raids, which were done with the help of the old SEC. Please do somthing to help. Its the new SEC that can reverse all the bad , that Chris Cox did. I honestly think that he should be in prison for treason for the destruction of more American wealth than anyone in the history of my country the USA. Thank you, Edward F. Ronan III.