Subject: File No. S7-08-08
From: Habib Ullah Haider
Affiliation: Engineer

March 22, 2008

After decades of waiting in vain, Chairman Cox seems to be the much-awaited knight in shining armour that rode in to help both victim sharholders and victim small-cap companies. Year after year, the naked short sellers have destroyed thousands of budding ventures and their shareholders and they seemed to get away with that highway robbery every time in the past.
I hope Chairman Cox has the same kind of drive, as his bold initiative, to follow this illegal practice thru to its rightful end and to catch and bring to justice the culprits even including those that did harm in the past.
Let us just hope he does not let us down like his predecessors and other powerful and corrupt staff hierarchy working at the SEC.
Thumbs up to Chairman Cox for at least taking the first steps in the right direction.
Hey buddy, hurry it up. You are decades too late already.