Subject: File No. S7-08-08
From: Richard Brown

March 30, 2008

Comments on S7-08-08 Proposed Changes to Rules regarding Naked Short Selling. Dear Sec,I am writing to you, in reference to the comment period, for proposed rule changes, regarding Naked Short Selling. It is my opinion that the proposed rule change would not be necessary, provided the Securities and Exchange Commission were enforcing the rule of law, that they swore to uphold. Naked Short Selling, also known as counterfeiting, needs to be eliminated. Enforcement of the rule of law whereby the delivery of stocks, for short selling, occur within the legally mandated T + 3 days must occur, for a level playing field. Over $ 6 Billion dollars per day is stolen from our economy though the sale of Naked Shorted Stock. This theft could not have happened, without protection from high ranking officials, who have taken an oath to defend the constitution, against foreign and domestic enemies. Please do the right thing and Eliminate Naked Short Selling. Thats your sworn duty and the correct thing to do for all Stock Holders. Thank you for the opportunity to opine, FiddleHead_39