Subject: File Number S7-07-18: Stop financial advisers from sapping Americans' retirement savings
From: Grace Musser

Jun. 20, 2018

Jun 20, 2018

Securities and Exchange Commission

To the and Exchange Commission,

I want to be able to trust the folks that advise about my financial
interest/s. Currently that trust has been abrogated by a congress,
senate and administration that is in the business of making the rich
richer and the poor poorer - especially those who live on fixed
incomes. Hidden fees, misdirected financial advice and no
accountability have broken a system that is fragile at best and now may
be damaged beyond all repair. Please know that the SEC is there for
EVERYONE. Please listen to those of us that are financially accountable
and responsible. Close the loophole that puts too many people at risk.

I'm counting on you to make a stronger rule that closes the loophole.
Americans who've worked hard to save for retirement deserve peace of
mind about their financial security.

Thank you.


Dr. Grace Musser