Subject: File No. S7-07-12
From: Tony Duran
Affiliation: Founder / CEO The Duran Group (44 successful start-up launches)

April 25, 2013

Over the past 21 year, our Sales and Marketing Firm has been an integral part of 44 successful start-up companies which employ thousands of American workers nationwide. Under the present rules for raising capital, start-up companies and small businesses are at a big disadvantage, and our country can no longer depend on large corporations and government jobs to create opportunities for most Americans. The JOBS Act is one of the most important initiatives being developed for our country right now, and it will allow more of us to be involved in the foundation our country was built on - entrepreneurs and innovation.

The Information Age is here, and unaccredited investors will have far more information to base their decision on the accredited investors in the past. Let's give every American the opportunity to be part of this country's turnaround, and not just those who qualify under the current SEC regulations. Yes, we will need rules and regulations for this new initiatives, but let's trust in the free enterprise system and allow this new phase our economy to develop organically.

I've worked with entrepreneurs for many years in securing seed capital from small investors, and the relationship must make sense for both parties. Investors are betting on the people in a company, and this will continue to be the case when the JOBS Act becomes reality. Opportunistic scam artists will come and go, but the majority of companies funded under the JOBS Act will be hard working entrepreneurs who deserve it. Let's get this crucial initiative started soon, and begin an important stage for our country. I am willing to take time out of my busy schedule to make this happen, so feel free to contact me for help in any way.