From: Shelley Booth
Sent: July 8, 2016
Subject: S7-06-16 comments

I'm writing as a member of the public and a retail investor in response to the SEC's request for comments on S7-06-16.

Corporate powers fear transparency, they fear public outrage, lost profits and will be adamant in keeping the status quo. That their actions harms investors and citizens concerns them not. That their actions harm our ecosystem means nothing. 

Investors deserve to know the ways corporations are buying elections, polluting our environment, affecting our economy, and more. And while corporations have little to no accountability to even their shareholders, disclosure is one solution that requires companies to consider the consequences — and the interests of their shareholders — before making decisions that affect their shareholders and regular Americans.

It's time for corporations to be honest with their investors and the American people.

Public corporations should at a minimum be required to:

1. Disclose their political spending.
2. Disclose their oversea tax payments, country-by-county.
3. Disclose their sustainability plans.

We need to end the secrecy and give investors the information they deserve.

Shelley Booth

Phoenix, AZ