Subject: File No. S7-06-15
From: DeVore Sherman r Sherman

May 22, 2015

Dear Sirs, My Name is DeVore Sherman I was working in Cabo San Lucas at a business that I purchased. The owners of this Hotel Resort (Steadfast Companies)of southern California has been trying to regain control of commercial business locations that were sold to American Investors.They have been doing this by any means possible of the time illegally as such is in my case. They have been using there security force to muscle honest hard working Americans out of there business. Most who have invested there life savings into these business.
They repeatably sent guards to my business and threatened my family, my workers, and myself.
One day they arrived at my business and and ordered me to remove a promotional balloon and when I said I would not five of the security force attacked me. I filed assault charges at the local courts but the Hotel has been able to bribe the prosecutor not to take action.
I am not the only one there are many of us who have been brutalized in this same fashion.
We need help with our situation from an out of Mexico source as the corruption is so wide spread no law enforcement agency in Mexico will help with out a large bribe. We have exhausted all options for assistance in Mexico and are at the end of the rope.
Please let me know if you are able to assist us. We are hoping the because this is an American owned Hotel that there would be some way to help us.If you are unable direct us to an American based organization that could.
Thank You DeVore Sherman Telephone