Subject: File No. S7-06-15
From: Ely MacPhail

June 29, 2015

To Whom it may concern:
I am a Canadian investor who trades on American markets. Frequently and unfortunately, I, and many other Canadians are restricted from trading on American market stocks, when Americans are not
For example, on June 24th 2015, I tried to buy shares on the ticker DNRG (Dominovas Energy Corporation) at 0.016 / share, with my Quest trade account but was not allowed when my fellow American investors with any of their trading accounts, could trade freely on unrestricted shares. Key word being unrestricted
I could have made very easily $60,000 USD (Approx. $20,000USD fro American people) that day and for some reason I as a Canadian who pays American tax, has an American funded account and pays an exchange rate, was not able to.
I have to lose money on the exchange rate converting from CAD to USD, I pay American taxes on my earnings, I have to pay al American fees and trading accounts, abide by all American trading laws and further more, my funds would be helping the American government and its people. So WHY on Gods green earth does an upstanding citizen of my country Canada, who has American Blood running through my veins, (My 3rd cousin was President Calvin Coolidge and My Mother is American) Cannot trade a stock because Im Canadian restricting the American economy and government and myself from progress in life.
This is totally unfair to the United States of America Government, I and other Canadians who invest in American markets. So how do I get around these restrictions???
I do believe I speak for all of my countrymen who trade on the American market when I say I am tired of being dismissed and broken down by these unnecessary restrictions. Such good neighboring nations should not have such incursions and limitations to their financial opportunities for us and the American people.


Ely MacPhail
[phone number redacted]
Leduc Alberta Canada
[email address redacted]