Subject: File No. S7-06-13
From: Kalli B Meisler
Affiliation: Founder, StartupChicks

August 20, 2013

Equity Crowd Funding must be regulated- there will be a tremendous amount of startups that raise capital/investment dollars through all of these new sites cropping up- and they will wind up having no one to account to. There needs to be transparency and accountability. We can't stand by and let people take investor dollars- and these dollars be used to bolster the marketing or backend support of a forming business.
The SEC will have to have a regulatory committee focused on each site individually- monitoring the change over of dollars and ownership opportunities.

ALSO any startup that sells part of its business - may have a huge problem: what if their majority owner doesn't want to run their new business the same way as the founders? This is a hugeeeee mess.