Subject: re: File No. S7-05-20
From: Mark A. Cooper, CTO
Affiliation: Haute Fabrication

May. 25, 2020

24 May 2019

Haute Fabrication
1511 3rd Ave N
Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501

Ms. Vanessa Countryman
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549-1090

re: File No. S7-05-20

Dear Secretary Countryman,

I applaud the proposed changes relating to Regulation CF and in
particular raising the Regulation CF cap to 5M. This would be very
enabling for entrepreneurs like myself who are in the process of
starting up new companies. If a company needs more than 1.07M to get
off the ground then nearly half of the 1.07M raised through Regulation
CF must be spent on the legal and regulatory fees for taking the next
step to Regulation A+. This greatly limits the ability of a company to
leverage these initial funds for actually starting up their new

Thank you for considering these changes that will grant greater
freedom to small businesses, entrepreneurs and investors across the
country. As Haute Fabrication proceeds towards its incipient OPO I
wish the SEC the best of luck implementing these changes rapidly!

Mark A. Cooper
Haute Fabrication