Subject: File No. S7-04-11
From: Donna E Cox

February 9, 2011

To whome it may concern,

There are only a few political issues which evoke a passionate response from me.

The first that comes to mind is Abortion rights. I was too young, pregnant and distraught. He's now a 28 year old software engineer. It was the right choice for me. However, I desperately needed to know I had a choice. Now, I still need the government to keep their hands off my body and allow me to retain patient/client confidentiality when it comes to my Dr.'s and I deciding what is best in any intimately personal situation.

Now, the proposed change to eliminate one's home from the Net Worth Standard to be an Accredited Investor has evoked a comparable visceral response.

To me, it is a similar analogy. Moving further down a path.., with another entity purporting to know what is best for me? YOU do not KNOW me. YOU do not KNOW what is best for me. How could you possibly? Unless you knew every possible detail of my personal, moment to moment, circumstances...?

Please, Back off Big Brother. How many more personal freedoms are you going to take away in the name of looking out for me?

A Concerned Investor