Subject: S7-03-22: WebForm Comments from Derek Donnell Porter
From: Derek Donnell Porter
Affiliation: EQ Verde

Oct. 13, 2022

October 13, 2022

 I simply want a free and fair market for myself as well as any retail trader. I have been in this market for almost 2 years and I see blatant market manipulation being ignored daily. It hurts me to know this is one of the best ways I know to ensure my family's future is financially secure. And it is in a market where I believe the winners are the richest. If this rule ensures more transparency then I'm all for it. The lingo is too large for me to understand it completely so I have to trust that you have my best interest at heart. I cannot believe I am the only one who is negativity affected by the market you are in charge of over seeing. Please correct the  injustices we all know happen blatantly each day.