Subject: File No. S7-03-22
From: JH
Affiliation: Market Analysis

March 10, 2022

Dear Chair,

Due to the environment with investment banks private funds and hedge funds going through multiple management changes within the past two weeks. I find it very convenient when funds are under water, billions of war bonds still being sold up till March 12,2022 that your oversight has not expedited this proposal. More transparency with private funds is necessary and demands clear and transparent who they invest with. An example is a teacher's fund over the last 4 days lost millions of dollars from funds invested with Russia. Without the pention funds constitutes knowing there fund manager had ties with Russia. The goal of the SEC is to monitor all market exposer, Liquidity with the DTCC, FINRA, and the banks/treasurery who have provided this liquidity to these funds to now be over leveraged, losing pention funds hard earned money and having the investors in an uncertain and ambiguous position. While these executives move from firm to firm over the next couple weeks, the SEC will only blame the lack of regulation on budgets, staffing and so fourth. My family had everything taken from them in 2008, while corporate executives got bailed out by tax payers, bought back their stock and even which is even the most unbelievable thing ever. They paid themselves 100's of millions in bonuses These proposals need enacted ASAP. You know what my family got after their 401ks went down 80%. A gosh darn we told you there was risk. Unexcusable for factory workers that worked for the same companies for 30 years not only to lose most of their retirement but their jobs too If big investors get a bailout from this all pention funds and investors should also receive a bailout as well. We are the ones that work hard for our money and if taken from pension funds as we see CEO's changing companies daily. There will be conflict and regulations will be held accountable. Thanks for your consideration