Subject: s7-02-22: WebForm Comments from Chance A Sanders
From: Chance A Sanders
Affiliation: An American citizen

Apr. 19, 2023

April 19, 2023

 I believe partial regulation in the crypto space would be beneficial for Americans as the use of this technology continues to grow in our economic ecosystem. Crypto currency acting as a representation of an underlying asset should be regulated, for instance the tokenizing of certain stocks on FTX exchange. On the other hand traditional and proven crypto currencies should not fall under regulatory space as this would defy the very nature of crypto currency. As far as the risk exposure to investors goes, would it not be fair to say that some due dillegence should be required on their behalf. A little thought would go a long way before buying into an obvious scam or pump  dump type scenario. These things dont happen with Ethereum and Bitcoin. Regulation does need to happen in areas regarding the methods used to declare a stable coin stable. In addition to the previously mentioned notion, any crypto currency acting as a tokenization or representation of an already existing asset. Thank
 you for your time have a wonderful day, please consider all points.