Subject: S7-02-22 comment
From: Ben Price

Apr. 19, 2023


Dear Ms. Countryman, 

Fiat currency is defended with aircraft carriers and bombs, dead and wounded humans of all ranks and abilities, the stress and intelligence of others. The SEC, Congress, and the Fed have literally given it away for nothing in return to individuals who provide less to society than the mailman. 

Regulations were created to protect our fiat and markets so they could continue to exist. That’s it. It worked for many decades. It’s proven. It’s quite simple.  

Yet here we are.  

By allowing all regulations to be bypassed via crypto markets you’ve given away our markets. They’re already gone. You could have stopped it. You did not, but based on your public meeting documentation, it appears you aided instead.  

I am certain the entities and individuals who are manipulating our markets via cryptocurrency exchanges are so greedy, reactionary, and short-sighted, that they will destroy fiat. It will not take long. It’s very close now.  

That version of America entirely breaks down.  

There are no goods or services, no prosperity for anybody. 

Not me, not you, not the hedge fund, or the banker. The military likely takes control from both political parties, the US dollar gone, trillions in property damage to businesses, residences, and utilities. As I said, Fiat’s last line of defense. The military not listen to the banker, or the hedge fund, or the sec, or the fed, or me. They do not care about markets or the value of money. They will shoot first and figure it out later. They will take any resources they need to continue, including your property and what food remains.  

The greedy all end up like Thomas Lee, a coward, who only took from others, leaving only disaster behind for others to clean up while he took the easy way out. Cowardice will become a tenet of that future America by the very few who are too stupid to see that they are causing their own downfall, that they’re destroying the thing they’re hoarding, destroying their own selves. 

If you do not take control of the US markets then you’re directly responsible for an existential threat with certain outcome to the United States of America.  

It is unfortunate for some individuals that their leveraged “wealth” has been gambled away. If you do not let the toilet flush then it just fills up. With all due respect, there is shit everywhere right now. Flush the toilet. 

Given your track record, I’m guessing you do not reclaim control, and you will negatively impact hundreds of millions of people around the globe, responsible in part for destroying the most powerful thing the Earth has ever known, for nothing.  

Good luck with that. I do not envy you. I would have had the courage to stand up to this in Janurary of 2021. You had to kiss their asses. Now look what you’ve created.  
