Subject: File Number S7-02-22
From: ataw bo

Apr. 19, 2023


Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am an individual investor residing inside the United States, i do not support  the proposed amendments to rule 3b-16. The recent move by the US SEC to redefine the term \"exchanges\" in order to police decentralized finance platforms is deeply concerning.This decision not only violates the first amendment rights of individuals who wish to participate in decentralized finance dveloppement, but also stifles innovation in the industry. Decentralization and Autonomous Nature: DeFi platforms operate on a decentralized basis, without any central authority or intermediaries. They are primarily governed by smart contracts that run autonomously on blockchain networks. Regulating DeFi platforms under Rule 3b-16 would not only impede technological innovation but also be inconsistent with the underlying nature of the technology. Rule 3b-16 was formulated before the advent of blockchain technology and DeFi platforms.  No i do not the proposed amendments to rule 3b-16 at all! 

Thank you for your time , Sign , M. A