Subject: File Number S7-02-22
From: K. W.

Apr. 20, 2023

To whom it may concern, 

A civil unjustice is currently underway amongst the financial world as we know today. Dark Pools created and coined by the very Frivolous Actors that prey on the unknowing investor. 

The unknowing single mom matching her 401k while barely while eating scraps so her children can eat crackers. The diligent husband saving for his families financial future so that he can create generational wealth. 

All A Hoax. A Sham. A complete fallacy in the financial world we call the Stock Market today. 

Definance is the only way forward. Long gone are not days a select few can dictate what a person can or cannot do with their funds. BEING YOUR OWN BANK is what is NOW. 

The stock market has become a place where it is more than a casino, this is a rigged Texas holder poker game. Unknowing investors hold a straight flush when trading... not ever realizing the deck has been stacked far before they were even conceived with the bad actors having a royal flush.  

From number crunching hedgefunds opening derivative options contracts for shares that never existed, to Top Financial Banks swapping exposures and risk profiles to keep Kenneth Griffin and the banded elite in the black... its a house of cards built upon deceit, lies, propaganda, and psy ops. 

Why has this gone on for so long Gary? I picture this as a simple game I used to play my younger brother in. I would stand at the line and shoot my free throw. Swoosh, I made it precisely... how investing, transparency, and a financial engine should be ran. 

My brother steps up. Be it as it may, he reluctantly pauses before he shoots because he realizes he has alot on the line. He could lose the game if he misses and reveal hes not as good as a player as he puts on.. similarly to these complicit actors in this shell game of hiding exposure, naked shorts, cellar boxing, spoofing orders, selling securities they do not own, creating shares from nothing, and the list goes on.  

My brother shoots his shot, the ball banks hard off the glass. The Game is Over... but wait is it Gary?  

You see my brother would do this thing where he invented a rule called the Savior Shot to allow himself back into the game. No matter how many times he continued to miss, he would use the rule to save himself. Similiar to the rules that are being created by all these bad actors on a whim to save their money grab engine from going under... when they absolutely should no questions asked. 

They will continue to set rules and create rules to favor their corruption from going out of business. 

Price discovery is not possible if this continues Gary.  

Forced Buyins should be Mandatory. 

No Bailouts Gary. 

I know you are probably against a rock and a couple other hard places. 

Just know, I am but one retail investor like ember that will burn ever so brightly in the fight for transparent markets top to bottom no matter the social class or the $ amount club. 

Force the buyins. End the card games these bad actors are playing.  

If I owed 100$ or had 100$ in exposure and only had an account worth $0.01... I would be liquidated & banned from trading on multiple platforms.  

Market Makers are not for retail. Top Banks, Hedgefunds, Kenneth Griffin do not have retails best interests at hand.  

Force the Buyins 
End the Overleveraging one by one so that True Price Discovery Can Happen 

Crypto is not the enemy, but it is possibly another avenue for grabbing liquidity to stay alive in the Stock Market 

DEX not CEX 

Read about what Loopring Layer 2 Protocol is doing Gary. Read about how Cian is modernizing automation tools with complete audits every quarter. Transparency is a pillar here.  

Stop ENABLING the Crooks.  

Start ENFORCING the Books. 



That is the hand we as investors have been dealt and we will no longer seek help from government officials. The system is rigged and you know that Gary. Stop the corrupt from playing the game, stop the last minute to save your shot rules.  

When the shares owned by retail investors, surpasses the amount of shares available entirely... well let's not wait for that outcome Gary.  

Push the button, have a little more Grit in your morning coffee. Retail is here to support you.  


I am a fighter, I am diligent, I am persistent.  

Gamers will never die, never Quit. 

Can't Stop, Won't Stop.  
