Subject: S7-02-22
From: Rax Nahali

Apr. 17, 2023

In regards to the rule in the subject line, ALL trades should hit the tape and effect price discovery.  Failures to Deliver should not be possible!  When 90% or more of retails orders are being internalized by large players like Citadel, they are able to profit from household investors buy/sell and send the price in any direction that hedgefund/market maker desires.   
Retail trades are being used for profiteering by wall street firms and it is hurting the household investor. 

IN short, put an end to "off exchange" trades.  There is no need for it and it only benefits the holders of the "off exchange" traders/market makers.  Put an end to Failure to Deliver, as the ability of today's stock market to fill orders electronically should make this easy to accomplish.   
Enforce the rules that exist, fine more than 1% of the market makers/hedge funds take through illicit practices.   
Remove some licenses from repeat offenders like Citadels 58 fines for illegal trading practices. 
PROTECT the market from firms and individuals that are destroying household investors' ability to compete. -- 

It's not the games we play that show our humanity, it's the way we play them.