Subject: Comment addendum for Rule S7-02-22
From: Ben Passlow

Apr. 17, 2023

Dear Regulators, 

In light of recent developments surrounding the SEC, specifically the proposed legislation by Rep. Davidson to terminate Chairman Gensler from his position within the SEC, it has become clear to me that this rule is incredibly important for the markets and must be passed for the safety and security of the US Markets. 

As the saying goes, "if you're finding enemies along the way, you're heading in the right direction".  

It is now clear to me that Chairman Gensler is working for the good of household investors and the sanctity and security of the US Markets. After watching Rep. Maxine Waters blow kisses to Sam Bankman-Fried, it is evident that there are serious corruption issues present within the US political system. 
These issues will not be addressed until market corruption is excised like the cancer it is, and the billionaire class are held accountable like any other criminal in the Justice System. 

Per Citadel's filings last year: sell $65 billion in securities short that you don't own via MM naked shorting exemptions... no penalty. 
Get caught with an ounce of marijuana. Off to prison you go. 

The system is broken. It won't be repaired without good men like Chairman Gensler in regulatory positions. 


An international investor