Subject: File Number S7-01-22
From: Barbie Denny

Feb. 19, 2022

I want transparency but we want it BEFORE March 2024! Please don't hesitate! Many lives are at stake! We Retail Investors are the backbone of our country! We demand Transparency NOW!

* Citadel LLC (Hedge Fund)

*Citadel Securities (Market 

*Citadel Connect (NONREGISTERED Dark Pool)

All 3 owned by Ken Griffin

*Citadel shorting stock also directs the order & fills it

"conflict of interest" 

Turn off Dark Pools and End PFOF
They are using Momentum Ignition Algorithm Strategies and they are 100% illegal. This must stop. Citadel Securities and others are stealing BILLIONS from retail investors through the NYSE daily!

Also ISDA is being bled dry! Regulations need to be put in place ASAP!

Another thing is about all the Swaps these Short Hedge Funds are using are totally illegal and need to be stopped! They are destroying not only our economy, but, the whole worlds economy! What more can we say to get this stopped Now! US economy is spiraling exponentially! 

How about implementing rule #304 (A) (4) (Release No. 33-83-663; file No S7-23-15).  I think Banning the DarkPool is needed! Turn them off Please!

Thank you ,

Barbara Denny