Subject: File Number S7-01-22
From: Rick Bicknell

Feb. 19, 2022

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 

We not only want transparency but we want it BEFORE March 2024! Please don't hesitate! 

* Citadel LLC (Hedge Fund) 

*Citadel Securities (Market  

*Citadel Connect (NONREGISTERED Dark Pool) 

All 3 owned by Ken Griffin 

*Citadel shorting stock also directs the order & fills it 

"conflict of interest"  

Turn off Dark Pools and End PFOF 
They are using Momentum Ignition Algorithm Strategies and they are 100% illegal. This must stop. Citadel Securities and others are stealing BILLIONS from retail investors through the NYSE daily  

Thank you  

Rick Bicknell