Subject: File No. S7-01-22
From: Jason Drips
Affiliation: Commercial Driver

February 3, 2022

I am writing to you today to express my point of view, as well as all of main Street America. For far
too long the government regulatory bodies for
Wallstreet and the banking system.have allowed fraud and criminal acts to happen. By them being able to skirt and bend the rules to ther limit or even beyond. And nothing substantial is done to them your fines are a frigging joke hedgefunds,
hi-Frequency traders and banks figure them in as cost of doing business. Even after an entire year wear the public has been digging into and producing concrete and factual correct prof of such things. There us little to no action taken to correct the issue. You still allow market makers to sale shares that they do not have that end up as ftds that they will then pass to another MM to reset the clock on said ftd's. Then they will maybe barrow them to eventually fill those orders. And in doing so they then create a synthetic share there by allowing MM to dilute a pool of limited share count and lowering the price per share. This is only able to be done due to the fact that shares are not registered in the buyers name, and shares are not serialized. This is the year 2022. You as the sec should be able to look up in a registry and see exactly what firm or party has the exact shares that were bought and who sold them. Market makers should be required to enter the market a buy the shares befor they are able to sale them they need to be on hand first. I can't sale a car that I do not own in the first place. If I did I would be charged with theft and fraud. But if I have already purchased it I can then sale it for what ever I want....