Subject: File No. S7-01-22
From: Randy Abbe

January 28, 2022

I appreciate the right and respect all members vote on this matter. That being said, how much longer are we to be ok with not having more transparency? If there is nothing to hide, then why would anyone vote No to having transparency in the market? For too long now Market Makers and hedge funds have had far too much leeway and advantages over the retail trader. Why? Why should the playing field not be more leveled? If the retail trader continues to be at a disadvantage when it comes to the stock market, then I believe it will result in the everyday retail trader giving up on their right to trade in the stock market just like everyone else. The amount of already known illegal activity going on in dark pool trading as well as the synthetic shares and naked shorting is already putting retail traders at a huge disadvantage. This proposed bill must be enacted as soon as possible. Immediately.

Thank you.