Subject: File No. S7-01-22
From: Russell Cohen
Affiliation: AAPL

January 27, 2022

I support the proposed rulemaking. As meme stock traders have been screaming from the hilltops (often in less than professional and respectful terms) more transparency and disclosures are needed, specifically from hedge fund managers who acts as market makers and through affiliated entities as short sellers who seemingly have been manipulating the price of stocks such as AMC and GME throughout 2021 and 2022 to date, especially through the use of dark pools/ATS. Whether the DOJ or SEC investigations will prove the allegations to be true at a later date, I believe the Amendments to Form PF are a good step. The self-reporting component is less than ideal given the past violations of many hedge fund actors (documented in settlement/fine announcements from both the SEC and/or FINRA in recent years), nevertheless, this is a step in the right direction. I urge you to vote to adopt the amendments. Thank you.