Subject: 953b
From: Hayley Brundige

March 20, 2017

I write to comment that I am in full support of Section 953b of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act or the CEO/worker pay ratio disclosure rule. As a student with a 529 college savings plan, I want to make sure that my voice is heard on this issue. 

This disclosure rule is crucially important for indicating to shareholders, to workers, and to the public whether or not manager and boards are governing companies responsibly. 

There is ample research to suggest that relatively high CEO pay creates bad incentives that lead to excessive risk-taking, diminished investments in corporations, and even fraudulent activity. 953b provides an incredibly useful indicator for measuring the potential of these outcomes. It is essential that you do not disrupt the implementation of this rule.

Thank you, 
Hayley Brundige 

Knoxville, Tennessee