Subject: File No.
From: dan keppel, Mr
Affiliation: Editor, The Insiders Guides

June 5, 2017

Any provider of a service--financial product or advice -- needs to list all fees, charges, etc and the TOTAL in a simple to understand format "TOTAL COSTS".
Financial services is the only industry that hides or does not disclose ALL costs.
I prepare taxes for AARP and the depths this industry goes to to make their costs difficult to find and understand is amazing.
Just look a 10 different Agent. BD and RIA statements.
In survey after survey, investors think either their advisor/broker/agent works for NOTHING or shows only 1 element of the TOTAL charges.
Schwab uses this fact:
The industry is still acting like a used car dealer.
Is it any wonder our industry ranks low in trustworthiness and integrity.
