From: Richard Fochtmann
Sent: March 18, 2016
Subject: RE: Disclosure Effectiveness Review

You Commissioners may have noticed lately that a lot of people in this country are fed up with business as usual in Washington. Both Trump and Sanders are drawing large crowds of people to the caucuses and political rallies. I shouldn't have to tell you that democracy is on trial because of the control that corporations and the 1% have on our politicians. Unless things change, the plutocracy will own this country and if you think they will spare the SEC, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

The SEC and its commissioners should continue to work on a rule requiring political disclosure from public companies, in the interests of their shareholders. Businesses should not be empowered to use backdoor political channels like nonprofits or associations to do their political bidding, and shareholders have a right to know how executives are using company resources for political purposes — especially if those purposes are against shareholders' interests.

Thank you

Richard Fochtmann

Leeds, ME