From: Patty Ridenour
Sent: March 18, 2016
Subject: RE: Disclosure Effectiveness Review

The SEC and its commissioners should continue to work on a rule requiring political disclosure from public companies, in the interests of their shareholders. Businesses should not be empowered to use backdoor political channels like nonprofits or associations to do their political bidding, and shareholders have a right to know how executives are using company resources for political purposes — especially if those purposes are against shareholders' interests.

We, the people, need to GET RID OF all the Wall Street fraudsters (and their spouses; looking at you, Mary Jo) who are right now willfully undermining the responsibilities of the SEC. The SEC will NEVER be responsible for the tasks for which it was created so long as Wall Street fraudsters and their friends are accepted as part of its governing body.

Patty Ridenour

Dayton, OH