Subject: File No. DF Title II - BD Liquidation
From: Denis Ryskamp

October 14, 2010

My company integrates finished items into a product.
Tin, Tantalum, and Gold are found in very small quantities in some of the components that make up our products.
At present there is no way to track back to the ore source the metals utilized in the components supplied by our company.

To my knowledge, there has been some effort to trace ore from miner to smelter by ITRI. the effort was a pilot plan.

There is the issue of Artisanal mining where a family may be collecting the ore. this will most likely be impossible to track.

Keep in mind that after the smelter all bets are off There are many uses for Tin or gold, trying to track a batch from the smelter would be a task of great proportion

Since a company, being publically traded, will be required to provide a report, what guidance is being proposed to establish document requirements?