Subject: cll-13: WebForm Comments from James Cushman
From: James Cushman
Affiliation: US DOL

Sep. 23, 2022

September 23, 2022

 The SEC does little to nothing to protect retail investors currently. Wall Streets constant stream of crime of lining their own pockets has not stopped since the last economic collapse. Thongs such as FTDs, naked shorting, Continuous Net Settlement erodes the true nature of markets and the laws of basic economics and supply and demand. Market makers often abuse rule rule 203(b)(1) also known as fill before locate.

If a market maker can create synthetic shares simply on a whim to facilitate liquidity, then they may do so nefariously in order to \"bet against retail\" and take their hard earned money. Also, if shares can be printed out of thin air for liquidity purposes as some maket makers put it, then that makes the supply endless and therefore no shares on any market hold any value.

Will the SEC step up and enforce the laws set forth or sit by idly and watch the markets burn down around them again as they did in 2008?