Subject: cll-13: WebForm Comments from Terrence Caviness
From: Terrence Caviness
Affiliation: None

Sep. 24, 2022

September 24, 2022

 I'm terribly disappointed with the SEC response to blatant fraud in the markets. So it is important to restore confidence and here are  suggestions: Set up special division dedicated to identifying and prosecuting Naked Shorting and Illegal activities in the LIT and dark poll. The individuals must be select by the congress and should have no conflicts of interest to include any ties to financial institutions of any kind past or present. Everyone in the media and on Wall St. speak  negatively of handouts for the little guy and how government spending is hurting the economy and I agree so, lets start by  shutting down government subsidies /bailouts for the biggest user, abusers, and recipients of government welfare which is the financial and  corporate entities. Prosecute crime not fines that is real equity. Dodd/ Franks is a sham.