Subject: File No.
From: Janet Redman
Affiliation: Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) Director, former Financial Advisor for 12 years

March 19, 2021

I do not believe that the SEC should have anything to do with monitoring corporate disclosures of CO2 emissions, sustainability or carbon footprints. The SEC has no competence in this area, and to put a financial agency in a monitoring position of climate change actions is like giving a fish a bicycle. With the continuing greenwashing by companies like Blackrock and JP Morgan, who talk about how they've stopped financing/lending to/using #BigOil in their portfolios when in reality they have not- has led to rightful mistrust of the financial industry when it comes to taking truthful climate action. I was a financial advisor for 12 years, and now I work for a strong climate action group. When I first heard that the SEC may be in charge of monitoring climate disclosures, I laughed. Then I shuddered. You are not the right agency for this job. Hire some scientists. I am happy to talk with you, more in depth, about my beliefs on this matter. Thank you. Janet