Subject: : WebForm Comments from CarbonSuite
From: CarbonSuite

May. 16, 2022

I am very much in favor of the proposal. As someone who works in the field of Carbon Accounting, I am acutely aware of the need for standardization in the reporting of emissions data and other climate related risks. For that reason, I am glad that the committee has chosen to use the GHG Protocol as the accepted standard. We are seeing demand grow from companies who want to report ESG and sustainability data, but many of them are unaware of available frameworks or unsure which to use. For years, the US has lagged behind Europe and other regions on mandates for emissions data and other sustainability related reporting, and this proposal is a step in the right direction. I urge the committee to hold strong and work hard to ensure that the scope outlined in the proposal makes it into the final version. Thank you.