Subject: Petition 4-785 Rule-making Petition to Invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4)
From: T. Jameson Brewer

Jun. 8, 2022

To the SEC:

I ardently support Petition 4-785.  Chairman Gensler has noted on multiple occasions that an excessive amount of retail orders (particularly on popular stocks among retail) are routed to ATS/off-exchange or “dark pools.”  This does not foment trust or transparency from the population your agency is charged with protecting.

You already possess the authority to suspend ATS/dark pool trading for an indefinite amount of time and I ask that you do so for all trades related to AMC (AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc.) and GME (GameStop) for a period of no less than 14 sequential trading days and to do so without any further delay.

Thank you,
T. Jameson Brewer