Subject: Fwd: File Number: 4-785
From: David Kraft

Jun. 07, 2022


I believe I misspoke when I said dark pools. I meant OFF EXCHANGE. The purposely complex system of multiple trading venues is designed to by an elaborate shell game to confuse, confound and deter retail traders from understanding the vast criminal conspiracy that Wall Street has become. 
I am still holding out for hope that the SEC and DOJ will finally put a complete halt to this massive felonious system. If not, no matter - RETAIL will do it ourselves. We will directly register every single REAL share of GME, and then we will all see what happens. In the aftermath, a blockchain tech trading system will eliminate the fraud and the crime. 

It's coming. 

Have a great day. 

To: "rule-comments" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 12:52:10 AM 
Subject: File Number: 4-785 

Dear SEC- 

I support 

"Dark Pool" trading is profusely abused, and a suspension of dark pool trading for 14 days MINIMUM for ticker symbols GME and AMC will prove it. 

Dark pool abuse is but one spoke in the wheel of the systemic fraud that has been exposed since January of 2021... It is vile, and it is pervasive. 

The wool has been removed from the eyes of Retail Traders. We see Wall Street for what it is: A massively corrupt ponzi scheme, complete with collusion and cooperation of Washington DC. The masquerade of "free and fair markets" no longer is working. Frankly, many Bankers, Traders, and Politicians need to be imprisoned for what we have learned over the last 17 months. 

It is time to fix this. WE ARE NOT LEAVING, so... will you fight for light and fairness, or will you fight to protect crime and continued darkness? 

D. Kraft 