Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4)
From: Curtis Bright

Jun. 07, 2022


I am an investor in both GME and AMC, as well as HYCM and CENN.  
I believe dark pool abuse by Citadel Securities and their co-conspirators is rampant, and the Dark Pools are used to manipulate the price of these stocks.  
Please remove them from the Dark Pools, and any other non-public transfer platform.  
We need true price discovery, and it is my sincere belief that Gary Gensler has a conflict of interest, based on his receiving payments from Goldman Sachs. A bank under federal investigation.  

If the SEC does move forward with this rule, it will help repair my trust in the SEC, and it will tell me that you are not ALL compromised by conflicts of interest.  

The SEC needs to step up and protect retail investors. Gary Gensler has already acknowledged that 90-95% of retail orders are going to the Dark Pool.  
This is not a free and fair market.  

Hedgefunds have been stealing billions of dollars from retail investors for years.  

I would be willing to bet that the DeLorean Motor Company was being short sold when John DeLorean was forced to traffic cocaine to save his workforce.  
The point I'm to tying to make here is, these crimes have been rampant for YEARS.  

PLEASE invoke proposed Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4) 

I am begging you to act. This ongoing abuse of the financial markets of America is a national security risk.