Subject: Rule 4-785 (Foreign investors opinion)
From: John Atkinson

Jun. 7, 2022


To Whom it may concern, 

As a passive trader concerned about some of the light shown on dark pool trading and the sheer proportion of trading done away from "lit" markets this rule 4-785 proposing to remove trading of these two tickers, $AMC and $GME from ATS Dark Pool trading for 14 days minimum period could help the trading community and the SEC gain insight into possible price suppression. 

I vote FOR this proposal as I feel it shouldn't negatively impact the greater market nor should it be a concern for these two stocks if dark pool trading operates in an ethical manner for ethical price fulfillment done to a similar level on lit exchanges. 

For your clarity on who I am as a person voting FOR this rule proposal. I am a retail trader from a foreign country, South Africa. I have sought out to be more involved in my retirement/savings and chose to invest my hard earned money and savings on the NYSE as opposed to the South African JSE. To clarify I do not invest in the ticker $AMC but I do invest in $GME. I believe in the company, its turnaround strategy, board of directors, its push into an online retail sales strategy and focus towards growing new streams of income for the company. I chose to invest in the US stock market as I have a great deal of respect for the US financial system and the country as a whole. Born at the ending stages of Apartheid and raised in a system that has seen large systemic changes, truth and fairness is engrained in me as a person deeply. As a foreigner I was still raised on US TV shows and Movies. An unquestionable belief was ingrained in me from a young age that America as a country is the chief, the one true economy leading by example of how systems and economies should operate. Our local market and economy is riddled with corruption at some of the highest levels of government and I choose to invest in a system that is built for the people and managed by the people. I have a lot of faith in the US financial system and in the US as a global leader. 

I believe the SEC seeks to do justice for the American people and foreign investors in the US Financial system. I believe Gary Gensler is the right man to do this job. After watching Jon Stewart's take on what injustices are being brought to light by many retail investors, I still remain hopeful that the US financial system can be a guiding light to the rest of the global economy. 

I hope that you approve this rule 4-785 and allow yourselves and participants in the larger investment community to observe how stocks trade without the control of the ATS Dark Pool market. 

I wish you a pleasant week ahead. 

Kind Regards, 

John Atkinson