Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4)
From: Austen Horvat

Jun. 6, 2022

               To whom it may concern,

My name is Austen Horvat an I am an American born citizen of the greatest country in the world, the good ol’ United States of America.  Up until about a year and a half ago I believed that our country was a shining example to the rest of the world of what freedom and democracy looked like. I believed that our government had our best interest at heart and really we’re a representation of “ We The People”. Now, oh man I don’t even recognize this country to be honest. My grandfather, who served in WWI and fought for the so called “freedom” we enjoy (and I use that term incredibly loosely) would be rolling in his grave if he knew this is what the country turned into. America is turning into a hollow shell of what it once stood for. I am embarrassed that we have fallen from being the Country the world looked to in times of turmoil to literally being HATED even amongst our allies. I truly believe this country is being systematically torn apart from within on purpose. I mean it’s so obvious that’s what is happening, and the longer it continues (which promise me is won’t last much longer due to civil unrest) validates more and more to the people of this country that our leaders DO NOT have our best interest at heart. It’s quite the contrary actually, our leaders love to see it’s own people struggling and barley making ends meet all while shipping all of our baby formula to some warehouse to sit until it’s spoiled. It’s just sad. Sorry I got off topic a little there but it’s hard not to be effected by ALL of the turmoil going on just in America. Dark Pools is yet just another tool that the American Oligarchs use to siphon million off of the middle and lower class by front running orders, order flow delay, block trading, suppressing the buy orders sending them to the dark pool while sending the sell orders directly to the lit exchange…. I mean the list goes on and on. What's crazy is all the above mentioned crime that is happening is being pointed out by brand new members of the stock market because it is so obvious and the seasoned traders are just explaining in more detail all of the infractions taking place. So I mean if beginner traders are pointing this stuff out do you really want me t o believe that someone in the SEC of the DOJ either hasn’t noticed (which we all know isn’t true) or they are fully complicit. Anyways, thats about all the energy I’m going to put into this because sadly this, along with the probably million others just like this will all get stored and filled electronically never to be seen again because the SEC is to bust with…….”OTHER” sites….   Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.