Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4)
From: Jeff Tickell

Jun. 6, 2022


Retain does not believe in you, @SECGov. 

You have had existing law, already on the books, that could have stopped years worth of clear Market Manipulation in $AMC, $GME, $BBIG, and far more. 

Do you actually do anything to stop Hedge Funds from their clear crimes? NOPE! 

It's time to prove to us that you actually do care about the rule of law vs lining your own pockets with dirty Hedge Fund money (bribes, that you falsely call fines). 

Stop All Darkpool Use for $AMC, $GME, etc. 
Force ALL orders through legit public exchanges. 

Stop Citadel, Blackrock, and others from using their fake "pools" to suppress stock prices. 

Or, don't. 
Either way you will tell the world who you serve. 

Who will it be? The people/Retail Investors? Or, the 0.01%, only? 

We're fed up and sick of your inaction and complacency. 

Do your jobs!