Subject: Petition 4-785 Rule Making Petition To SEC Rule 304 (a) (4)
From: Justin Dahl

Jun. 6, 2022


I would like the SEC to take action in creating a truly free and fair market for everybody. Starting with invoking the SEC Rule 304 (a) (4) - a rule that you yourselves have created - to ban both dark pools and payment for order flow. It is clear and obvious that these dark pools are not being used for the purpose by which they were created. They are clearly being used to suppress price and manipulate several stocks including AMC and GME. These corporations and funds have gotten away with stealing billions from investors as we watched the buy button being taken away, and ever since. Do not allow them to continue to get away with ripping off the people that you are paid to protect. We the investors demand that you stand for what is right. 

P.S. We have done our research. We have done our due diligence. 

Thank you.