Subject: Petition 4-785 (Rule 304-a4) Dark Pool suspension
From: ShelDon Business Solutions

Jun. 6, 2022


I support the petition. 

I will hold on to my AMC as long as it matter what! But, I will lose my home and everything I've ever owned (because of the Covid affect on my business) if you don't do the right thing soon. 

Doing what is right isn't easy, but you will have a clear conscience after doing it. These hedge funds that have put the entire economy in jeopardy are the bad guys! Please don't let my family be punished by letting them continue to cheat and steal from hard working Retail Investors like me. Mr. Gensler admitted that 90-95% of trades go to the Dark Pool and that isn't right. I'm sure you agree (even if you can't admit it), but we don't really have a free market economy! 
Market Makers should not be allowed to operate Hedge Funds either (separate issue). 

I'm getting into the weeds, so I will simply say: "Please don't let these Market Makers use our system for personal gain at the expense of the American People and the Integrity of our System. You have the power to restore our faith in Government". We may be on the same or different sides politically...I'm not sure, but I do know that you don't want to see Americans lose so much and benefit so few. 

Shut down the Dark Pools. It's far too corrupted now! 

Thank you. 

Eric G. Rinerson 
ShelDon Business Solutions 
Sales Manager