Subject: File# 4-785
From: Felix Ocasio

Jun. 7, 2022


Dear Ms. Vanessa Countryman, 
As petitioned, "This public request for rulemaking, in the form of a petition to the SEC, is to ask the SEC to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4) to remove GME and AMC across all ATS dark pools for at least 14 days. If this rule does not allow for individual equities to be removed from ATS dark pools, then there is a flaw in this rule and it needs to be revised. If that is the case, we are petitioning for an amendment to this rule to allow for individual equities to be removed from all ATS."
Please strongly consider our request so the two Retail stock, GME and AMC be allowed to exchange freely without being suppressed by market makers. It is in our opinion that the demand for the aforementioned stocks far outweigh the supply as AMC Retail investors own 90% of the legal free float according to the 3/11/22 Q4 earnings meeting and 25% of the legal free float according to the 3/17/22 GME earnings meeting respectfully. 
With that being said, taking advantage and abusing the system when shorting stocks by market makers needs to be addressed in a dire fashion. 
We Retail investors took the time to educate one another and understand the process and principles of what takes place when short selling a stock. 
We fought back when we believed in our research and now we feel market makers and totally abusing the system and doing all the can so they won't look like loosers However, market makers attitude and behavior has put many things at risk instead of them accepting we figured out how to fight back and not relinquish what we believe in.
Finally Ms. Countryman, I want to thank you in advance for taking your time in reading my email and considering our request. 
Kind Regards, 
Felix Ocasio